Community Worship in the Park
Prayer Shawls in the making…
Shoe Collection for Mission Central
Prayer Labyrinth: Under Construction
Easter: Breakfast, Egg Hunt and Worship
Diner Church
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Pageant
3rd Sunday in Advent: Joy
2nd Sunday in Advent: Peace
Hanging of the Greens & Crazy Christmas Sweaters
1st Sunday in Advent: Hope
Christmas Eve
Rock Painting Party
Hanging of the Greens
School and Health Care Kits
Thanks to all of the members of St. Michael’s who helped with the School and Health Care Kits for the Lutheran World Relief. We were able to make 36 school kits and 44 personal care kits.
Think about how many people will be blessed with your help.
Pickle Fest
Through lots of hard work and effort St. Michael’s earned dollars for the church maintenance fund at Pickle Fest in Dillsburg, PA. We sold 20 dozen Whoopi pies and 10 dozen pretzels and a case of water. We gave away all crosses, talked about our young people and handed out St. Michael’s flyers. We sold crafts, white elephant items and jewelry. Here is the list of people from St. Michael’s who volunteered in many ways: Melissa B., Sasha B., Sawyer B., Karen D., Kathy F., Chris F., Tory F., Beth L., Karen M., Brian P., Margaret P., Barb S., Jim S., Treva S., and Deb W.
If you want to meet these great helpers, come to the church.