Adult Sunday School Forum: Remembering our Baptism (Session 1 of 7)
Our forum will be held after worship in the social hall. This session is part one of a series put together with the purpose of exploring the Sacrament of Baptism covering the topics listed below, sidetracking as requested by participants:
–Stories of the baptism—our own stories, and those of Jesus in the Gospels, touching on the “great commission”;
–Stories/discussions of baptisms that are found in Acts;
–Practice of baptisms in late first and early second centuries utilizing ancient texts such as the Didache and the Martyrs Mirror; also to be discussed — the controversy surrounding baptismal rituals (e.g., when, where, how, and who), martyrs and wars resulting;
–Practice of Baptism during the Reformation (e.g., Luther and Book of Concord);
–Lutheran, Mennonite, and Catholic dialogues on Baptism;
–Baptism today, thoughts and rituals and what it means to us.
We are currently planning to meet on one Sunday a month for the next few months. Snacks and coffee will be provided .
This week (Session 1) we ask that you look up the date of your baptism (if you can find it) and bring it and any photos and memories of St. Michael’s back in the day along that you would like to share .